Sunday, December 20, 2009

Publish America Submission Process

publish America

Here are some questions people have asked and the answers are below

How can you publish without charging me a fee?

Just like any other traditional publisher, we earn our income by selling books, not by charging publishing fees to our authors. We pay our authors a royalty payment for each book sold. By 2006 we had paid out more than $1 million in royalties. We sell a book every sixteen seconds every day.

How long will it take to publish my book?

It depends. Factors that affect the production time that are beyond our control include how well written the manuscript is and how quickly the author can work with us during the process.

We can release a book in as little as six to eight weeks from the signing of the contract; however, most books will be released in four to six months from the signing of the contract.

All authors published with Publish America sign a contract to have their work published. As such, we can only enter a contract with those authors who are eighteen (18) or older.

Do you accept submissions from my country?

Currently, PublishAmerica is open to submissions from the United States, Canada, Western Europe, India, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

What genres are you interested in seeing?

PublishAmerica is currently open to all genres except:
Coffee table books
Gift Books
Books of quotes

How long does my book have to be?

In general, we require books have a minimum of 4,000 words. Poetry books must contain at least 50 poems. Children's picture books must be a minimum of five pages and no more than 45.

There is no upper page or word count limit for what we consider.

We can consider works in progress or shorter works to which the author would like to add material in order to meet the minimum requirements. Please fill out the form below to contact us about such a book.

I want to include illustrations in my book. Is that OK?
Will you provide illustrations for my book?
Can you recommend an illustrator?

Yes. Please do include illustrations, pictures or graphics that you want considered when submitting your manuscript.

PublishAmerica does have an in-house illustration service for our children's picture books. If you are interested in this service, please contact us via the form below. We cannot recommend outside illustrators.

For more information, visit the site!

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